Plums galore and zucchini every day!

Today was the big day — we harvested our Santa Rosa plum tree!

Our first two summers in this house, we were unprepared for the sudden onslaught of ripe fruit. The entire tree seems to suddenly ripen overnight, and then we and the birds and any other critters and insects all battle it out for the fruit. We haven’t gotten many whole, unblemished plums in the past and have had to salvage what fruit we could. This year, we were prepared. We’ve been keeping a close eye on the progress and we had our fruit picker with extension all ready. We harvested this glorious basket full of ripe, juicy plums!

We also picked our first tomatoes, which were delicious! And we’ve now enjoyed a freshly picked and sautéed zucchini from our garden for the last three days in a row with no sign of slowing down! It’s literally the best thing we’ve ever grown!

Today’s #OneGoodThing was the satisfaction at having successfully harvested so many wonderful plums! In the annual battle of us vs. the plum tree, we have finally won! Suggestions and recipes for what to do with this many plums are welcome! And if you live nearby, you’re welcome to stop by and share in our bounty!

Day 180 of 365. And Day 544 in a row!

Steps into the canal1 year ago today: Collage with Mama

4 years ago today: Steps into the canal

What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments!

9 replies

    • I made plum jam last year! It was wonderful! Plus we had so much I gave it away as holiday gifts!!! But I want to try something else this year. I’m just not sure what yet!



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