DIY Garden Arch complete

Our DIY Garden Arch went through several iterations and redesigns during assembly, but today we managed to attach a mesh wire for the flowers to climb, thereby completing the project. We were then able to plant the starters we grew from seeds.

It feels great to have this one done, and Mama and I are so excited to watch the Morning Glory and Moon Flowers climb the arch!

Today’s #OneGoodThing with Mama was completing our garden arch! What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments!

Day 166 of 365. And Day 1,262 in a row (here’s the first 366, & the following 365, & the third year of 365 good things)!

1 year ago today: Pulling carrots

2 years ago today: Oasis at night

3 years ago today: Reconnecting

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