The perfect infusion day dress

img_9516Figuring out what to wear to my hours-long immune-suppressing infusions (to treat Crohn’s) is always a hassle as I balance pain, comfort, and temperature issues. I used to have to leave my arms available for the IV, but now I need to leave access to my chest.

I finally figured out an excellent hot weather option for today’s appointment—a cute and comfy dress with pockets and a zip down the front for easy access to Portia (my port). This turned out to be a wonderful outfit for the long day and I’ll be sad when I have to wear pants to these again.

Today’s #OneGoodThing with Mama was a successful infusion #40 with the perfect dress! What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments! And remember, kindness is everything!

Day 181 of 365. And Now Totaling 2,008 Days In A Row. Here’s the first 366 and the following 365, as well as year three, year four, and year five of #OneGoodThing Daily!

On this day…

6 replies

    • Thank you!!! It was a birthday gift from my best friend Alyssa and it is by far my favorite mask! She got it on Etsy. The origami fold makes it comfortable and I adore the print 😍



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