Plum blossoms and sunshine 

Plum blossoms and sunshine collageWe’ve had a lot of stormy, rainy weather lately, and we’ve been really sick for a while. So it was no small thing when the sun came out today and we were able to enjoy it.

By this afternoon, I finally was able to be around light again after another terrible migraine. We decided to sit out in our yard and enjoy the warmth. Paisley was thrilled and didn’t even care that the chairs are still covered.

While finally back outside again, we discovered our wonderful plum tree is filled with beautiful blossoms! We also looked about to see what needs to be done to revive our backyard oasis. We’ve got some yard touch-up and creative shade solutions in our future!

Today’s #OneGoodThing was enjoying the plum blossoms and sunshine with my girls!

Day 59 of 365.

Food art healthy snack1 year ago today: A snack to make Mama smile

Also ‘sort of’ 1 year ago today (Leap Day post): Randomness of strangers

What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments!

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