Making limoncello, part one

I’ve been wanting to make my own limoncello since tasting this delightful liqueur many years ago in Italy.

Just outside our back door, Mama and I see our neighbors’ big, beautiful lemon tree that’s heavy with fruit. While chatting over the fence recently, they kindly offered to share, and that seemed like a good reason to finally make limoncello from scratch.

Our wonderful neighbors hung a gloriously fragrant bag of lemons on the fence we share. I washed and peeled the freshly picked citrus before pouring it into a jar with vodka.

Now I must be patient and let the lemon peels steep in the vodka for at least four days (and up to two weeks). Then comes part two, where the peels are strained out and sugar and water is added to the infused alcohol. Finally that mixture will marinate for as long as I can be patient, and voila!

Today’s #OneGoodThing was beginning to make my own limoncello! Yum! And now the kitchen smells so fresh!!! After I finished the limoncello prep, I juiced the peeled lemons, and now I have lemon juice for the rest of the year!

Day 37 of 365. And Day 768 in a row (here’s the first 366 & the following 365)!

1 year ago today: Graduating Biofeedback

2 years ago today: A pug named Hercules — Abby’s new boyfriend?

What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments!

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