Winning sandals for Mama

Mama Jude and I recently entered a raffle at a local shoe store and I won!

I returned to the store and selected these light turquoise Olukai sandals as a gift for Mama. I gave them to her today and she loved them.

Thank you to Olukai for the sandals—we have faithfully worn your flip-flops for years! And thanks to Birkenstock Village in Santa Rosa for the lovely wrapping (such a pretty bow!) and doing the raffle!

Today’s #OneGoodThing with Mama is winning sandals for her! What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments! And remember, kindness is everything!

Day 173 of 366. And Now Totaling 3,095 Days In A Row. Here’s the first year (2016), and 2017, as well as 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 of #OneGoodThing Daily!

On this day…


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