Alfresco Shabbat with friends

After much anticipatory cleaning, my best friend and her husband arrived at our home this evening. They’re staying in our baby camper van for a couple nights on their way to the Redwoods, and tonight we got to share an alfresco Shabbat dinner together! What a joy to sing the blessings and share a meal with loved ones again.

We even got to enjoy our first S’mores of the summer in our firepit! Yum!

Today’s #OneGoodThing with Mama was an alfresco Shabbat with friends! What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments! And remember, kindness is everything!

Day 213 of 366. And Now Totaling 1,674 Days In A Row. Here’s the first 366, & the following 365, & the third year of 365 good things, & the 4th year of good things!

On this day…

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