Fresh air for the first time in weeks

After weeks of smoky and hazardous air conditions, we finally saw blue skies and a “Good” AQI (Air Quality Index) rating today.

Despite running multiple air filters 24-7 in our home, the unhealthy air was affecting our eyes and triggering headaches. So it was no small thing today to finally be able to open wide our windows and breathe deeply. This is the colorful garden view from Mama’s bedroom!

Today’s #OneGoodThing with Mama was fresh air for the first time in weeks! What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments! And remember, kindness is everything!

Day 260 of 366. And Now Totaling 1,721 Days In A Row. Here’s the first 366, & the following 365, & the third year of 365 good things, & the 4th year of good things!

On this day…

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