Our favorite delivery person

This is likely not a shocker if you know us, but we’ve become friends with our Amazon delivery driver.

We heard Elizabeth leaving a sweet message on our Ring doorbell a few months back, thanking us for providing water and snacks year-round. She was startled when we opened the door but so kind. Benny and I both look forward to seeing her!

Today’s #OneGoodThing is our favorite delivery person, Elizabeth! This is shared with her permission. What was your #OneGoodThing today? Please share in the comments! And remember, kindness is everything!

Day 124 of 366. And Now Totaling 3,046 Days In A Row. Here’s the first year (2016), and 2017, as well as 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 of #OneGoodThing Daily!

On this day…


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